About Me

My photo
My name is Arnau Galan I am 16 years old. I live in Santa Margarida de Montbui and now i do 1st of Batxillerat. I do Taekwondo and I like stay with my friends. I have a cat and his name is Neptune. My favourite team of fotball is FC Barcelona. Is the best of the world. And this is me.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


- Hi. my name is Cynthia and I'm the manager of the Parton Resort. First of all, What's your name?
- Hi my name is Arnau.
- Nice to meet you Arnau. Why do you want the job?
- Well, Because now I don't have any work and I need money for pay the career.
- OK. When did you finish school?
- Last year, but now I'm studying Chemistry in University.
- And What work experience have you got?
- Well I have a little experience. Last year I had been working in my father's company cleaning and this summer I had been working in a swimming pool like a lifeguard. One question, Could you tell me about the job?
- Yes, I could. In this job you must check in hotel guests, take phone and on-line reservations, and receive payment for accommodation. I suppose that you know how to work with computers...
- Yes, this year I started a computer course and next month I will finish the course.
-Oh I see that your are very hard-working and you do the best for your life. What would you say are your best characteristics?
- Well, as you as said I'm very hard-working and very dedicated with the things that I do. I'm very reliable and good team player, although I'm very disorganised and this is my weak point.
- OK. In our company we want people reliable, hard-working, good team player and flexible, and you have a lot of this characteristics.
- Thanks. May I ask you another question?
- Of course!
- What are the working hours?
- The work is full time and including two weekends per month. Also If you do overtime you will rewarded.
- May I ask what the salary would be?
- Yes, the company brings an excellent salary with benefits. And also we bring you vacation pay.
- OK.
- Why do you think you'd be good at this job?
- Because I'm the person that the hotel wants and need: I'm very reliable, hard-working and also I speak many languages such as English, Spanish , Italian, French and also Catalan.
- OK and the last question: What are your plans for the future?
- Well I hope that I will finish the career. When I finish the career I'm going to live in Los Angeles with my girlfriend because we want to live new experiences there.
- OK, Arnau we have finished the job interview. When we decide who have the job we will send you an e-mail. Good luck and maybe see you soon.
- Ok bye.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mark Blake                                                                                               C/ Sant Jordi 31                                                                                                                   
Barcelona Beach Hotel                                               Santa Margarida de Montbui,BCN
C/ Playa Barcelona                                                                                    
Dear Sir/Blake
I’m writing in response to your advert. I would like to apply for the position of lifeguard.
I have always enjoyed being in the swimming pool or in the beach because I love water and swimming there. When I was little, I had done a swimming course for many years. In order to be able to swim 50 metres in 40 seconds, this year I joined  a diving course.
I am 17 years old, the necessary age. I feel I am well suited because I am reliable and I am very dedicated to the job that I am working. I have a course of first aid so I am able to respond quickly in emergencies. Also, last summer I was a lifeguard in swimming pool of a hotel, so I have experience. I am not very punctual but I will try to be that.
I hope you will consider my application favourably. I need this job because next year I will go to university to study medicine and I want to help my parents to pay the register. I have enclosed my CV and I would be happy to attend an interview at a time that is convenient for you.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Arnau Galan

Friday, January 24, 2014

A For and Against Essay


Nowadays, sometimes we listen to people with low and normal salary that say that if they had more money they would be more happy. Is that true?

On the one hand we can see that having a lot of money has got a lot of advantages. Fist of all money lets you many possibilities: with money you can buy all that you want and that is an important advantage. Continuing about this advantage, money lets you achieve your life's dream such as going to the moon, have a Ferrari, etc. Moreover money brings you a lot of opportunities such as travel to many countries, live some experiences and meet a lot of people.

Although, money sometimes brings problems. On the other hand we can see that money has a lot of disadvantages. If we go to the past we see that kings and queens, the most of kings hadn't got a happy life because always were in wars or they married with the person that they didn't love. Nowadays, there are problems about money too. Some families , when an important person of their family dies, they have problems about how he wanted to bring his money and that makes some family's person angry. Another example that money doesn't bring you happiness is for example when you are rich and you have a lot of friends. Friends sometimes are with you because you are wealthy and they don't love. They aren't real friends. Also if you have money you can buy a lot of things. But I'm sure that a person when he buy all that he wants, he becomes bored and he doesn't know what to buy more.

In conclusion we can see that money doesn't bring happiness, happiness is when you have a family and friends that love you.

Friday, November 29, 2013


1. Have you ever bought on Internet ? How often do you buy there?

-Yes and sometimes

2. Do you think that buying on Internet is reliable?

-Yes, it is reliable but there are always problems such as when the mail order is

faulty and they rip you off, when the mail order is retarded, etc.

3. Do you think that buying on Internet is more comfortable than going to shops

in the street?

 -Yes, because you can buy things sitting in your sofa with the laptop.

4. In the future, are people going to use Internet to buy?

-Yes, because that is comfortable, it will be more reliable and also in the future

will be improvements.

5. In the future, are shops going to disappear?

-No, because If there are shops in the street, this is an excuse to go to the street.

Also shops provide work two many people.

6. Do you believe that the things were cheaper in the past than now?

-Yes, because people were more humble than now, and in this moment the people

buy more than in the past.

7. If you buy on Internet you must pay the shipping. Do you think that this is


-Yes, the shipping is very expensive.

8. Ten years ago, did you think that ten years later you be able to buy on



9. At the moment, what page are you using more?


10. Do you think that on Internet there are more sales that in shops?

-Yes, sometimes Internet pages sell outlet things and are more cheaper than in


Thursday, November 7, 2013


Nowadays, advertising has more importance in our life because we can see that in all the places because it’s a way to grab the attention of the people to buy a product. But advertising sometimes has problems.

On the one hand, advertising is a very good tool to promote a car, a mobile phone, a clothe shop, etc. First of all, you see commercials and adverts in a lot of things such as on the TV, on the Internet, on the radio, on glossy magazines, etc. and that let see the product and the costumers can buy it. Moreover, especially TV adverts, they are very funny or entertaining . For example, “Estrella Damm” every summer does entertaining and long adverts about people stories in Mediterranean’s villages. Besides, a lot of advertising agencies do spectacular adverts to fight with competitors using hi-tech to make them amazing.

On the other hand, advertising has problems. Most advertising agencies to grab de attention of the people they do hypes on the adverts, and on their publicity lies about the product to sell more. Furthermore there are confusing ads that don't promote the product very well. In addition some commercials are awkward and boring, and also when you are watching a series or a serial on TV, when that is going to finish  there are always commercials.

In conclusion, despite  the lies of advertising and the annoying ads,I think that advertising is a goog way to promote a product.

Friday, October 4, 2013



The voice, "La voz" in Spain, is a talent show that four professional famous singers are looking for the best voice of the country.

This talent show was created by John the Mol in 2010 in The Netherlands. The first season of the voice was very successful in Netherlands because it had good ratings and a lot of viewers in the country. Consequently,  a lot of countries adapted this program there as in The USA, China, Mexico, The United Kingdom, Australia, etc. and also in Spain.

In Spain the program is called "La voz" and we could watch the show last year in 2012. The four singers are called coaches and they take the contestants to make teams. These singers are David Bisbal, Rosario Flores, MalĂș and Melendi. The contestants should pass all the phases to win the programme: First they do a blind audition, the coaches don't see the singer and if they like how they sing, they turn to them and try to convince the singer to come to the team.So If the singer is in one of the four teams he passes to the next round. The next phase is very intensive because two singers of the same team do battles and the coach chooses one of them. If they win the battle they pass to the final round. This round  is called "live round" because they do the program at the real time . This round is the final  and the viewers choose the best Spanish voice.

The presenter of the program is Jesus Vazquez and always does a little interview to the contestants to know what they feel.

The channel which issues The Voice in Spain is Telecinco and has got a lot of viewers every week. The Voice's final was the most watched program of all the day. As a result of that they put a lot of adverts.

Nowadays, in Spain we can watch  season two of the Voice. The coaches are the same except Melndi because he left the program and now It is Antonio Orozco.